Carlos is a seasoned business management professional with over 30 years of experience. He is responsible for commercial management, defining strategies, and implementing innovative technologies. As the Managing Partner of StautGROUP, Carlos has a strong business vision and expertise in team management and strategic planning, driving the growth of the Staut Group.

In addition to his extensive background in business management, Carlos has a wealth of experience in the field of executive search and human resources. As the head of StautGROUP, he leads the Executive Search division, specializing in identifying and recruiting top-tier talent for organizations across various industries. With a deep understanding of the market and a vast network, Carlos effectively matches executive-level candidates with the specific needs and culture of each client. He also provides comprehensive human resources solutions, including assessment services and executive coaching, to support career development and organizational success. Carlos's expertise in executive search and human resources adds significant value to the Staut Group, making it a trusted partner for companies seeking exceptional talent and strategic HR solutions.

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